Field instrumentation system troubleshooting method - Database & Sql Blog Articles

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First, the basic analysis steps of the field instrument system failure The field instrument measurement parameters are generally divided into temperature, pressure, flow, liquid level four parameters.
According to the different measurement parameters, different field instrument faults are analyzed.
1. First of all, before analyzing the field instrument failure, it is necessary to thoroughly understand the production process, production process conditions and conditions of the relevant instrument system, understand the design scheme, design intent of the instrument system, the structure, characteristics, performance and parameter requirements of the instrument system.
2. Before analyzing and inspecting the faults of the on-site instrument system, it is necessary to understand the changes in the load and raw material parameters of the production operators, check the record curve of the faulty instruments, and conduct a comprehensive analysis to determine the cause of the instrument failure.
3. If the meter records a dead line (a line that has no change at all), or if the recorded curve is originally fluctuating, it suddenly becomes a straight line; the fault is likely to be in the instrumentation system. Because most of the current recording instruments are dcs computer systems, the sensitivity is very high, and the change of parameters can be very sensitive. At this point, you can artificially change the process parameters to see the curve changes. If it does not change, the basic conclusion is that the instrument system has a problem; if there is a normal change, it is basically determined that the instrument system has no major problems.
4. When the process parameters are changed, it is found that the recorded curve is abrupt or jumps to the maximum or minimum, and the fault at this time is also often in the instrument system.
5. Before the fault occurs, the meter recording curve has been normal. After the fluctuation, the recording curve becomes irregular or the system is difficult to control, and even the manual operation cannot be controlled. At this time, the fault may be caused by the process operating system.
6. When the DCS display meter is not normal, you can go to the site to check the indication value of the same intuitive meter. If they are very different, it is likely that the instrument system has failed.
In short, when analyzing the cause of the field instrument failure, pay special attention to the changes in the characteristics of the controlled object and the control valve, which may be the cause of the failure of the field instrument system. Therefore, we must comprehensively consider and carefully analyze the two aspects of the field instrument system and the process operating system to check the reasons.
Second, four measurement parameters instrument control system failure analysis steps 1. Temperature Control Instrumentation System Failure Analysis Steps When analyzing the temperature control instrument system failure, first pay attention to two points: the system instrument uses electric instrument measurement, indication and control; the measurement of the system instrument often lags behind.
(1) The indicator value of the temperature meter system suddenly changes to the maximum or minimum, which is generally the fault of the instrument system. Because the temperature meter system measures a large lag, no sudden changes will occur. The cause of the fault at this time is mostly caused by thermocouple, thermal resistance, compensation wire breakage or transmitter amplifier failure.
(2) The temperature control instrument system indicates that there is a rapid oscillation phenomenon, which is mostly caused by improper adjustment of the control parameter PID.
(3) The temperature control instrument system indicates that there is a large and slow fluctuation, which is probably caused by a change in process operation. If the process operation does not change at that time, it is likely to be a malfunction of the instrument control system itself.
(4) Failure analysis step of the temperature control system itself: check whether the input signal of the regulating valve changes, the input signal does not change, the regulating valve acts, the diaphragm of the regulating valve head is leaked; check whether the input signal of the regulating valve positioner changes, the input signal No change, the output signal changes, the positioner is faulty; check the positioner input signal changes, and then check whether the regulator output changes, if the regulator input does not change, the output changes, this is the regulator itself failure.
2. Pressure control instrument system failure analysis steps (1) Pressure control system When the instrument indicates rapid oscillation fluctuation, first check whether the process operation has changed. This change is mostly caused by poor process setting and PID parameter tuning of the regulator.
(2) The pressure control system indicates that the dead line is present, the process operation changes the pressure indication or does not change, the general fault occurs in the pressure measurement system, first check whether the measurement of the pressure guiding conduit system is blocked, not blocked, check the pressure change The transmitter output system has no change, there is a change, and the fault is in the controller measurement indication system.
3. Flow control instrument system fault analysis steps (1) When the flow control instrument system indicates that the value reaches the minimum, first check the on-site instrumentation. If it is normal, the fault is displayed on the instrument. When the on-site instrumentation indicator is also the smallest, check the valve opening degree. If the valve opening degree is zero, it is often a fault between the regulator valve and the regulator. When the on-site detection instrument indicates the minimum, the adjustment valve opening degree is normal, and the cause of the failure may be caused by insufficient system pressure, system pipeline blockage, pump failure, medium crystallization, improper operation, and the like. If it is a malfunction of the instrument, the reasons are: the orifice differential pressure flowmeter may be a positive pressure pressure conduit plug; the differential pressure transmitter positive pressure chamber leak; the mechanical flowmeter is a gear stuck or a filter plug.
(2) When the flow control instrument system indicates that the value reaches the maximum, the instrumentation will often indicate the maximum. At this time, the manual remote control valve can be opened or closed. If the flow rate can be lowered, it is generally caused by the process operation. If the flow value does not fall, it is caused by the instrument system. Check whether the regulating valve of the flow control instrument system is operating; check whether the measuring system is normal; check whether the signal transmission system of the instrument is normal.
(3) The flow control instrument system indicates that the value fluctuates frequently, and the control can be changed to manual. If the fluctuation is reduced, the instrument is the cause or the instrument control parameter PID is not suitable. If the fluctuation is still frequent, it is the process operation. Caused by.
4. Liquid level control instrument system fault analysis steps (1) When the liquid level control instrument system indicates that the value changes to the maximum or minimum, you can check whether the test instrument is normal. If the indication is normal, change the liquid level control to manual remote liquid level. Liquid level change. If the liquid level can be stabilized within a certain range, the fault is in the liquid level control system; if the liquid level is stable, it is generally the fault caused by the process system, and the cause should be found from the process.
(2) When the differential pressure type liquid level control instrument indication and the on-site direct reading type indicating instrument are not in control, first check whether the on-site direct reading type indicating instrument is normal. If the indication is normal, check the negative pressure guiding of the differential pressure type liquid level meter. Whether there is leakage in the pressure tube sealing liquid; if there is leakage, refilling liquid, zero adjustment point; no leakage, it may be that the negative migration amount of the meter is wrong, and the migration amount is readjusted to make the meter indication normal.
(3) When the liquid level control instrument system indicates that the value changes frequently, the capacity of the liquid level control object should be analyzed first to analyze the cause of the fault. The large capacity is generally caused by the instrument fault. When the capacity is small, it is necessary to analyze whether the process operation has changed. If there is a change, it is likely that the process causes frequent fluctuations. If there is no change, it may be caused by instrument failure.
The above is only the on-site fault analysis of the four parameters of the field to control the instrument separately. There are some complicated control loops in the actual site, such as cascade control, split control, program control, interlock control and so on. The analysis of these faults is more complicated and needs to be analyzed.
In fact, it is more convenient to use the exclusion method.
1) It is only the instrument displayed on the spot. It is suspected that the display data is not normal. The data can be estimated according to the process environment. If the distance is too far, only the instrument can be checked. 2) The instrument controlled by the site, the display data is suspected to be abnormal, and the data can be automatically Disengage, observe, and fix the data of the process conditions to determine whether the collected data is normal. If the control result is unstable, it is first determined whether the data acquisition is normal. The method is the same as above. Because the data acquisition is not normal, the control result is definitely not good. After the above questions are judged, the actuator is normally activated when checking the soft manual output. Finally, adjust the PID parameters. 3) When the system is controlled, the judgment should be the same. If the parts are independent and the fault is determined, it is easy to find the problem.

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